Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Ears of God

Psalm 4 this morning. Go read it here first.

As a youth pastor, I spend a lot of time hearing students who don't feel heard. They feel like no one notices them, that their voices don't matter to their parents, teachers, friends, or family.And when I'm honest, sometimes I can feel this way, too. I feel like my voice doesn't offer much and that no one hears it.

But Psalm 4 says something different. Verse 3 says God hears when we call to Him. The very reality of that statement makes it hard for me to continue typing.

God. Hears. Me.

In my brokenness, the Healer hears my cry. In my loneliness, the Rescuer hears my sadness. In my sorrow, the Creator of all things turns His ear toward me and notices that I am hurt. Even in my joy, He hears me!

When the Apostle Paul says things like "to live is Christ" and "Christ is all," I think he meant to help push churches to remember things like Psalm 4:3. If we put our lives deeply and fully into Christ, we may find that being heard by people matters less. The need to win praise and honor will rest solely in who we are in the eyes of God.

Know that today, as you face the places where you feel unheard, that there is a God who listens, who hears, who sees, and cares.

"Give me Christ or else I die."

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