Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Psalm 1

I feel like I need a long term goal as I blog. The Psalms are long. Done.

I feel like it goes without saying, but you should go read Psalm 1 now. Psalm 1 centers around the idea that the person who delights in the law of God and meditates on it day and night will be blessed. Let's break down the words delight and meditate.

Delight means to take great pleasure or to give joy or satisfaction. In Psalm 1, delight sets up those who are against God with those who are for God. It does not say, "Blessed are those who read a small  (or big) chunk of the Bible everyday" or "Blessed are those who know lots of theology" or "Blessed are those who do Bible studies."

It says that the Bible should give us joy and satisfaction. And in that satisfaction, we are free to quit chasing things other than God. If we find hope and healing, life and love, contentment and joy in God's word, then the way that sinners take will be less attractive.

If we are going to meditate on Scripture, a couple things must happen:

  1. We must read the Bible.
  2. We must spend enough time with it to remember it.
  3. It must be a regular thing to stop to reflect, ponder, and chew on what we have read.

The fascinating thing about the idea of deeply reflecting on God's Word "day and night", is that it leaves a lot less space for us to be consumed by less important things. If we spend our day today thinking about what it means to be blessed by God and to be like a tree that is thriving as it grows in him, we have less time to worry. We have less time to argue politics or sports. We have less time for things that will not help us see God.

We talk all the time about wanting more of God or sing that He is all we need. Here is how that happens: delight in God's Word and meditate on it.

What part of God's word are you meditating on today?

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