Thursday, January 31, 2013

Psalm 2

1 down, 149 to go!

Go read Psalm 2 here first.

I find verse 4 of this Psalm fairly overwhelming. It describes God as laughing at those who try to overthrow his plans and what he has put into motion. Can you imagine that kind of laughter? It is not a joyful laugh. It is a laugh that can't believe the kings keep plotting against what He has set up to happen.

God is not bothered by our attempts to overthrow his purposes and plans. He is not worried that we will ruin what he has set up. He is, after all, the almighty God. This Psalm is written by David after escaping from his son Absalom who tried to kill him and become king. David chooses to respond by worshiping God for his strength and might. David worships God for His ability to be in control.

Here is one takeaway for me today: When we get worked up about anything the leaders of our country are doing or not doing, remember that God is in control. If there comes a time when our country is openly against Christians and the way of Jesus, God will laugh at their small plans.

He will still be the King and he will still be in control.

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