Thursday, February 14, 2013


It is 6 am. I am up this early for the sole reason of finding quiet space to write. Sitting next to me are a  5 month old and a 3 year old. This has somehow become a regular occurrence. As I sit and write, I am interrupted by things like: 
"Dad, what can I do?" (Answer: go back to sleep)
"Waaahhhhhh!!!!!" (Answer: Shhhhhhhhh)

I like writing about the Psalms. I do, however, find in very difficult while two of my little girls are playing and talking right next to me. I mean, this is a whole lot of cuteness, right?
(Dad! That flash is too bright!!!)

Often, I think God sends us distractions to remind us of things. To remind us that what we think is important might not be most important. Moses got a burning bush. Paul got blinded. I get two girls who get up at 6 am.  And I remind myself that although I like to write, God has called me, even at 6 am to love these girls and to show Him to them. 

This morning, I thank God for distractions!

Where in your life is God trying to make sure you remember what is important?


Shiloh said...

I love those little distractions too!

Jason Rietmann said...

This is a beautiful post my friend. :)