Friday, August 24, 2012

Brownie Love

Last night my Aunt Cindy and my cousin Shanae brought us dinner. It was wonderful. But it did bring up an issue in my mind about an important topic that I think tends to get swept under the rug in the name of "unity". But true unity means leaning into our differences and loving each other anyways.

The issue is, how can anyone think the center part of a pan of brownies is better than the edges? Shanae (my cousin) made wonderfully good brownies, but there was still a center. It's just all soft. No texture or definition. Just kinda mush. The edge, however, has a delightful chewiness to it that compliments the deep chocolate flavor perfectly.

In most places in my life I can handle opposing viewpoints, but with brownies, there is a definite right and a definite wrong. Middle lovers, you should be ashamed that you are so easily dissuaded from my obviously correct viewpoint. To better understand how many of you have turned the wrong way in your brownie eating, I have created a poll. Please vote below.

Also, if you call yourself a follower of Jesus, I would imagine this is how ridiculous most of the theological debates look to the rest of the world. We debate Jesus without showing him in all his beauty to the rest of the world. This may upset some, but people need Jesus, any little glimpse of him, more than they need right doctrine. Check out John 17:20-23. It calls us to unity. I think we can find that with our differences intact. I KNOW we can. /end serious note about ridiculous blogpost.


Noelle said...

A product I've been convincing myself for a while now that I don't "need"...but may not be able to hold out much longer. :-)

Unknown said...

I'm with you Noelle! If we weren't a house divided on this issue, we would already own it.

Bonnie said...

Any place in the pan is fine with me...just wish there were no calories involved. Love your illustration and connection w/theological debates, Jesse.